3 Quotes & Sayings By Scarlett Cole

Scarlett Cole is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels filled with humor, heart and heat. Her stories are known for their clever banter and swoony moments. Scarlett lives in California with her husband and son.

When I kissed you the day I left, I swear to God you stripped me bare. Scarlett Cole
He slammed his cup down. Coffee splashed over the rim and puddled around the base. “What on earth gave you the idea I want space? I want you here. With me. All the time. I want to come home and hear the shower running and get excited because I know you’re in it. I want to struggle every morning to get up and go to the gym because I hate the idea of leaving your warm body behind in bed. I want to hear a key turn in the lock and feel contented knowing you’re home. I don’t want fucking space, Harper.” Harper laughed. “What’s funn. Scarlett Cole